Happy New Year from everyone here at just björn! I don’t know about you, but I went all in this holiday season. Too much indulgence, too many salty foods, too much sugar and just a smidge of alcohol!
So how do I feel? I feel heavy. Heavy in my heart and heavy in my head. I am probably not the only one that asks myself, why? Why do I do this to my body and mind. After this holiday season I feel tired and sluggish. There is a direct link between high sugar intake and depression. It can also lead to a change in the microbiome, cause disruption in your gut health, and even hormonal imbalance. But fear not, January is here in all its glory. Now is the time we see hundreds and thousands of new attendees joining the gyms and making promises to themselves - I will be better! Unfortunately, this vow in many cases lasts only for a few days or weeks, and we are back to our old habits, maybe with just a little less intensity than during the holidays.
I am writing this blog at this point in time because I’ve received questions from many of you as to what I do. Is January 1st an ever-present reoccurring reset day, and if so, how do I reset after the holidays? Thank you to all of you who sent me your thoughts and questions…and the answer is no. It is not a reset day for me and we should not live our lives in constant waves of highs and lows. This month many go all in, exercise and take care of our diet, only to crash and destroy all gains within the next month. I need structure, and if you are like me, the holidays can be your worst enemy. Staying up late, sleeping in, eating heavy, salty and sugary foods until you are in such a downward spiral that you really need to stop.
Here are my tips to a holiday reset:
Pick a date - for example January 15th. Beginning on that date you will do the following:
Eat clean - for the next days, try to eat clean food and reset your digestive system. Make your food from scratch and cook foods that tend to have only one ingredient.
Focus on three types of exercise - body, mind and soul
body – go slowly into the exercise of choice, a 20-minute walk, heavy weightlifting, whatever you choose. Just set aside time to exercise, and doing something outdoors in the fresh air is preferred.
mind – read a book, do a puzzle, do the crossword, challenge your mind
soul – meditate, pray, engage in meaningful conversations, practice breathing
Stay hydrated - drink water, stay away from sugary and caffeinated drinks
Sweat out all of those impurities - if you have the opportunity, try to relax in a sauna or a hot spa
Be kind to yourself - don’t think about the scale or weighing yourself
Avoid late night snacking - my trick is to brush my teeth at 8pm, basically telling my subconscious self that I am going to bed soon and don’t need more food

Once you go through these steps, your brain fog starts to clear a bit, your sugar related depression is lifted, and you can start making goals. Remember, your body is a fine-tuned machine, but without good care you will need maintenance, so your goals might read something like this:
- I want to live life without lifestyle disease medicines
- I want to reach a certain weight/body composition and maintain it consistently
- I want to exercise 3 times a week
- I want to drink more water, eat better food, prioritize sleep
- I want to cut back on alcohol
- I want to start journaling
- I want to build a better relationship
Whatever your goals are for this year be sure to make them SMART
S – specific, what do I want to achieve? I want be able to run a 10k.
M – measurable, when/how do I want to achieve this? I want to be able to run a 10k in 50 minutes.
A – achievable, how will you do it and what are the steps you will take? I will achieve this by running 30 minutes 3-5 days a week for the next 4 months.
R – relevant, why does this goal matter to you? I want to be able to run a 10 with my children, because they love running.
T – time bound, by what date do you want the goal to be achieved? I want to run a 10k run with my children in the Reykjavik Marathon August 23rd 2025.
So, these are my thoughts on post-holiday reset. Don’t make decisions when your brain is full of mud, sugar and salt. Try to detox, and get your digestive system going until you start to feel a little better. When your brain fog lifts, you can start making plans and goals, your number one goal being how to better manage your lifestyle. How can I stay consistent and stop going up and down in weight, mood and health? Start with one attainable goal and approach it the way you would eat an elephant. One bite at a time!
I hope you have a wonderful happy and healthy 2025.