How to Improve Your Gut Health

woman smiling while holding some green juice
Bad gut health is a serious problem, and I believe our gut is the beginning and end of good overall health. In addition to gas, bloating, constipation, and other stomach issues, bad gut health can cause weight fluctuations, skin issues, irritability, trouble with concentration, fatigue, insomnia, and sugar cravings.

With over 65 million people in the USA suffering from digestive issues, it is obvious why this is such an important subject. We live in a fast-paced world where fast-food is often the go-to meal. We eat on the run, in our cars, or while distracted by the tv or phone, not taking the time for the digestive process to begin. That, and high stress levels, play a large role in our gut health issues. All this can create a vicious cycle for many who try to control their problems with antacids or drugs, delaying the inevitable, but not directly tackling the problem.

So, what should you be eating or not eating to maintain a healthy gut?

The six worst foods for gut health:

  1. Refined sugar – which eliminates healthy gut bacteria and causes inflammation in the body
  2. Factory farmed meat – which is often high in antibiotics
  3. Refined grains – simple carbs, empty calories, with no fiber, vitamins, or minerals
  4. Artificial sweeteners – raise risk of glucose intolerance which increases risk of diabetes and heart disease
  5. Saturated fat – fatty animal products, fatty meats, bacon, ribs, salami, which cause microbes in your gut to change, leading to inflammation
  6. Fried foods – sorry everyone, but french fries, fried chicken, doughnuts, etc., are bad for the microbes in your gut leading to impaired blood-sugar balance and high inflammation levels

What is good for your gut:

  1. Changing to more plant-based diet, foods that are high in fiber and prebiotics, seafood with omega-3 fatty acids, fermented foods, foods high in vitamin D, and foods with polyphenols, such as berries, nuts, olive oil, etc.
  2. More sleep
  3. Avoiding stressful situations
  4. Exercise
  5. Avoiding sugar
  6. Taking supplements that help support your gut 

Why is just björn marine collagen good for gut health?

The digestive tract is made up of the same amino acids that are abundant in collagen, so the crucial amino acids that you find in our marine collagen can help stimulate cell growth, assisting digestive processes by supporting and repairing intestinal walls. By repairing the intestinal walls, you are ensuring that you are able to get the most nutrition out of the food you consume, and not letting harmful stuff slip into your bloodstream through the intestinal walls. Studies have shown that collagen peptides can improve gut barrier dysfunction, important because this is where most of the nutrients uptake happens, and improve its tight junction. Tight junctions help in maintaining cell polarity. Loss of cell polarity is thought to result in tissue disorganization and facilitation of progression of cancer. 

I remember before collagen, I was often dealing with digestive issues that made me miserable. I was low on energy, had constant gas and felt bloated. The difference since starting to take my collagen has been tremendous, but as I always say, it is also part of a bigger picture—if you are thinking about collagen, you are also probably being more mindful of good nutrition, exercise, and sleep.

Just to be clear, just björn marine collagen is not a medication, and it is not intended for treating disease. It is however, one cog in the wheel of a change in diet and lifestyle. So, if you are experiencing digestive issues, why not try marine collagen as part of a healthier lifestyle and enjoy better health naturally. Remember, physical health and beauty begin on the inside.